Following the wave of migrants and refugees from Syria to Gaziantep and neighbouring cities, since its establishment Kırkayak’s priority has been to help people of Syria and Turkey living together in harmony. Inspired from “right to asylum is a human right” upon the philosophical works ranging from Kant to Derrida under the theme of radical hospitality,
Kırkayak Kültür – Center of Migration and Cultural Studies, organizes right-based Works with Migrants and Refugees to support the learning process of people from Syria and Turkey on how to live together and conducts “social cohesion” oriented activities. These right based actions are programmed under the theme of Works with Migrants and Refugees. In Works with Migrants and Refugees Kırkayak Kültür; aims to support the learning process of people from Syria and Turkey how to live together, and conducts “social cohesion” oriented activities.
Another vital component of the Works with Migrants and Refugees is research based actions aiming to increase the knowledge sharing among the scholars, researchers, activists on the issues relating to refugee and migrant studies.
It organizes the art activities, exhibitions, panels, festivals, meetings and projects about the Middle East.
It maintains studies such as examining, searching, accomplishing results, writing and reporting scientifically about the subjects and concepts with the components of the human rights, education, gender of the risked and disadvantaged societies such the immigrants, asylum seekers, women and the children, and it gives education in these spheres, performs right-based advocacy studies.